Offspring of Mr. BoJangles
We had to say good-bye to Bo just a few weeks before his 14th birthday.
Such a wonderful little dog and he will always hold a special place in our
hearts. We are happy his kids make their owners as happy as we were
with Bo. He lives on in his offspring and grandkids.
Bo was added to our breeding program four times. Each of his matings
were to AKC & ASCA registered Australian Shepherds. Two of the
females were switched over to AKC MAS and never produced ASCA
registered pups. Tess & Tootsie were not switched over because they
were too old before the AKC proposal, but Dyna and BlueBell were.
Crazy times for our Mini registry ... but I'm happy I was able to take
advantage of the AKC allowed rules. Now my Mini Aussies are finally
in a secure registry. They also have the opportunity to compete as their
own breed in AKC recognized events. And my traditional Aussie bloodlines
are continuing in my Mini American Shepherds. Bo was registered as a
Mini American Shepherd and produced his last litter as an AKC MAS.
Sadly, we lost Bo to illness just a couple of months before the AKC
full recognition. He was doing pretty well for an old dog and my plans
were to show him for his AKC Championship ..... but that was not to be.
Most of his kids went over-sized, so they can't be shown in conformation,
but several of his kids have earned AKC performance titles, as well as
non-AKC titles. Scroll down for individual pics ( more coming soon ),

Below : Our first litter by Bo ( out of Tess )
Below : Our last litter by Bo ( out of BlueBell )
We were lucky to get these last two pups from Bo as we
had him vet checked right after this litter and the motility
of his sperm was low (50%). Both of his last pups are girls.
Below : Our 2nd litter by Bo ( out of Tootsie )
Lolly ( 1st red tri in top row ) was the only breeding dog from this litter
and Lolly only had one litter and then was spayed. Her son was Gibbs
the only breeding dog from her litter ( and Gibbs also only had one litter ).
Below : Our 3rd litter by Bo ( out of Dyna )
So cute .... they all crawled into the toy basket for a nap .
Below : Flagtree's Mr. Tambourine Man ( Mister )
From the Bo x Tess litter ( MASCA registered )
Below : Flagtree's Don't Tempt Me ( Delilah )
From the Bo x Tess litter ( MASCA registered )
Below : Rosebud Of Crana's Lily Bee ( Lillibi )
From the Bo x Tess litter ( MASCA registered )
Below : Popp's Little Tin Man ( Ozzy )
From the Bo x Tess litter ( AKC registered )
Below : Sisters : Dicey & Lolly
From the Bo x Tootsie litter
Below : Flagtree's Trouble In Paradise ( Dicey )
From the Bo x Tootsie litter ( AKC registered )
Below : Flagtree's Lolly Pop ( Lolly )
From the Bo x Tootsie litter ( MASCA registered )
Below : Dingo ( Un-registered MASCA )
From the Bo x Tootsie litter
Below : Flagtree's Dynamite ( Mia ) Titles Galore !
From the Bo x Dyna litter ( AKC registered )
Below : Flagtree's Black Jelly Bean ( Beanie )
From the Bo x Dyna litter ( MASCA registered )
Below : Flagtree's Alice In Wonderland ( Alice )
From the Bo x BlueBell litter ( AKC registered )
Below : Flagtree's Texas Wildflower ( Thistle )
From the Bo x BlueBell litter ( AKC registered )
Bo Offspring